
Overthinking my Mistakes: The Bane of my Existence.

The first step to recovery is acknowledging the problem, so here’s me taking that step.

Vaish Shanoj
4 min readJan 19, 2024


Over the years, I have had a forward trajectory in character development. I went from being a very awkward, introverted little girl who was confused about her sexuality, identity, and quite frankly, existence, to a woman who is comfortable and sure of these things and more.

I won’t say I am overtly extroverted, but extroversion is something I can easily activate. I am more confident in myself and at peace with what I’m making of this existence for the most part.

Everything will be going up and up until I mess up.

That is it; Now I am back to doubting myself, disregarding my progress, and just being the opposite of what I’ve created myself to be. It’s my version of ‘one step forward, two steps back’.

So, this is me confessing my weakness in hopes of growing from it.

I usually try not to write too much about myself because who the heck am I to talk about myself like people care…

I am nobody.

However, as someone who appreciates the human experience, which includes learning and growth (among other things), I think there is value in sharing…



Vaish Shanoj

Neuroscience Student | Love Plants, Reading and Photography. Here is all of my side projects.